How to Start Your Sustainability Journey
It’s not every day (or maybe it is lol), that you wake up and thing to yourself holy crap I throw a lot of sh*t away. This may be a sign to make some Earth friendly changes so you can have a more sustainable life. But first let’s talk about sustainability.
What is sustainability?
Sustainability is considered to be “the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level”.
So basically what I interpret sustainability to be is being being conscious of the way you live and how that can impact your surroundings. Specifically when speaking about the planet, mother nature, wildlife, and even just simple mindset and lifestyle.
What does it mean to live sustainably?
Living sustainably is going to look different depending on who you are. I like to think of it that you have three levels of being a sustainable person.
The first level would be learning. Those would be people who have heard of sustainability before and they are actively researching and exploring the idea of what it means and how to implement more sustainable changes in their life.
The second Level would be a doer. These are people who have done the research, they’ve learned about what steps they can do and take, as well as actively implementing sustainable changes into their life to become more eco-friendly and support eco-friendly brands and products.
Last but not least The third level is activism. This is the level when people are very familiar with climate change, sustainability, and eco-friendly practices. They bring it to a new level by actively doing, implementing, and bringing awareness of the climate crisis to others in their life. Now, they are advocating for systemic change in their community, politics, and spreading awareness with their friends family and social medias.
“So How Do I Start My Sustainability Journey?”
It sounds so much harder than it is! First of all, you’re doing great if you’re already here! Continue to research, explore, and learn about ways to help the Earth, rather than harm it. Next up - get to doing! Implement the changes you’ve learned and support brands and companies that believe in sustainability initiatives. And most of all, remember that no one is perfect. Being an imperfect environmentalist is better than not trying at all!
Now go get ‘em, Tiger!
<3 Krys