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Check out some of the previous emails sent out in the meantime!

Krystalynn Gier Krystalynn Gier

May 2024: Wedding Planning, Warmer Weather & Catastrophizing

I mentioned this in my last newsletter, but WOW this year truly feels like it is moving so quickly. I’ve been booked with plans almost every weekend, and as a homebody out of her element - I’m TIRED.

Wedding planning and activities has been a big factor in my crowded schedule, and since we’re 3 months out from the wedding, I thought I’d share with y’all some things I’ve learned along the way!

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Krystalynn Gier Krystalynn Gier

April 2024 #2: No Buy Month Update, Struggling, & Burnout

Has 2024 seemed hectic for you? Or is it just me? I really feel like it’s been a year where every other day there is something chaotic happening. I’m not mad about it, but wow do I feel exhausted. I’ve got a lil reminder today below about embracing struggle, so I hope you know if you feel like this, you are not alone. 💛

As promised, here is my No Buy Month Update!

For those of y’all who are new here, I planned a “No Buy Month” for the month of March to take inventory of how much money I was spending. Long story short, I learned a LOT.

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Krystalynn Gier Krystalynn Gier

April 2024 #1: Earth Month, Greenwashing & Embracing Slow Moments

Wow, wow, wow… March was truly a whirlwind! In case you missed it - March was “sustainable or greenwashing month” where I shared 31 deep dive videos on popular brands to see if they are what they say they are. You can watch those on Instagram or TikTok.

Let’s just say, it was a LOT of work and I learned a lot! I always find it fascinating to research brands (especially since my background is in advertising) because I find greenwashing is more common than you think it is. There are so many brands I go into my research thinking they are are an eco brand, but by the end of my research I realize they must just have a really good marketing team, haha.

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Krystalynn Gier Krystalynn Gier

March 2024 #1: No Buy Month, Limiting Beliefs & Greenwashing

March is the start of my “No Buy” month. And if you’re wondering what that means, well… let me tell ya!

A No Buy month is simply a month you challenge yourself to not buy *anything* *at all.* Of course, there are obviously exceptions to the rules for essentials (i.e. rent, bills, groceries, etc), BUT the goal is to take a step back from any spending to see how and where you’re dedicating the majority of your income. For me, my goal is to gain a better awareness of where I’m spending my money. Even though I’m only 4 days in I’ve noticed I spend SO much money on food. Not only are my groceries pricey, but once the weekend rolls around I have a tendency to indulge in a lot of take out. Knowing this, I’m going to better prep my weekly groceries to reflect on healthy, simple meals I’m planning to make at home.

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Krystalynn Gier Krystalynn Gier

February 2024 #2: Wedding Planning, Balance, and Golden Globes Fashion

Hey, friend! I was about 4 days into February when I nearly pooped my pants because I get MARRIED in less than 8 months. How is that even possible?? In my head I’m still a 15 year old girl who relies on the bus to take her from place to place. The wedding planning process has gone relatively smoothly, but I’m realizing how little there is about planning a sustainable wedding. It actually seems like the industry is about 5-10 years behind every other industry in regards to the amount of waste that comes from these events.

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Krystalynn Gier Krystalynn Gier

February 2024 #1: Love, Friends, and Finding Community

February is my favorite month (not just because it’s my birth month) because it’s a month that I feel like people are a bit more affectionate than they usually are. In fact, it’s a time of year where I feel like community is essential. From making new friends to hanging with family, the chilly weather makes for wonderful indoor cozy activities to nourish your friendships.

So if you’re reading this, take a moment to plan a little crafting night with some friends, your SO, or even yourself if you need a little “me time”. I’ll put below a few get together ideas that are my favorite. 💕

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Krystalynn Gier Krystalynn Gier

January 2024 #1: 2024, Resolutions, & Celebrating Growth

Happy New Year, friend! I usually find myself in a place of deep reflection in December and since this past December marked one year of being self-employed, you bet your bottom dollar that I spent entirely too much time contemplating how I spent my time in 2023.

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Krystalynn Gier Krystalynn Gier

December 2023: Holiday Blues, Resolutions & What’s Trending

The above is exactly me the SECOND it becomes November 1st. It’s not that I don’t like Thanksgiving - I LOVE it! However, since Thanksgiving decor is nearly nonexistent, why not put up the Christmas decor a little early??

I know last month we talked about how the time in between holidays seems to get shorter every year, and I want to piggy back off of that sentiment. In a society that pushes profits for the next holiday, how can we still learn to live in the present moment?

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Krystalynn Gier Krystalynn Gier

October 2023: Changing Seasons, Taking a Break, & What’s Trending

Soooo…Is it October 13th and I’m just now getting to send out this email newsletter? Yep, that’s right. BUT does that mean I get to send it out on FRIDAY THE 13TH?! Also YES. How festive!! It’s no secret that fall is the ultimate season. Pumpkin spice, falling leaves, & colder temperatures - there is nothing in that trio that isn’t just fabulous.

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Krystalynn Gier Krystalynn Gier

September 2023: Welcome to Fall, Comparison, & What’s Trending

Let the -ber months commence!! Happy freaking September everyone. In case you can’t tell, the fall is my ultimate favorite season. I know a bunch of us probably are looking at spicing up our home decor with some seasonal decorations, but before you buy anything new, check out my tips below for seasonal decorating.

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Krystalynn Gier Krystalynn Gier

August 2023: Back to School, Limiting Beliefs, and Plastic Clothing

For some of us we’re gearing up for the school year! For others, we’re taking advantage of back to school sales and stocking up on new notepads, planners, and pens. No matter which side of the spectrum you fall on, here are my tips below on searching for sustainable school/office supplies!

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