What is Slow Living?

Slow living… it’s a phrase I’m starting to see more of and it is closely aligned with the minimalism lifestyle. But what does it really mean for those of us who live a fast paced lifestyle filled with work, friends, and family?

What is slow living?

Slow living is a lifestyle that emphasizes a slower, more intentional approach to everyday life. You’ll find the lifestyle is encourages to take more time to appreciate the small things and prioritize self-care, relaxation, and mindfulness. It’s basically an expanded version of the common phrase “stop and smell the roses”. Sounds pretty nice, right? It is!

What are the benefits of slow living?

Aside from appreciating the little things in life, practicing slow living has been so helpful for my mental and emotional well-being. By taking the time to prioritize being more mindful, I noticed I’ve been less stressed and generally more fulfillment in my daily life. This slow living lifestyle has allowed me to focus on things that bring me joy & has given me a greater sense of purpose and my relationships have truly changed for the better.

I’m sure their are scientific studies out there that I could link to, but HEY - you’re hearing a firsthand personal experience… the lifestyle adjustment is SO WORTH IT!

I’ve also noticed a positive impact on my relationship with the environment. By reducing waste, supporting local businesses, and incorporating environmentally-friendly practices into my daily routines, I’ve never felt more grounded and aware of my surroundings (and my anxiety has gone down so much!).

Creating an intentional schedule to only include focusing on things that bring me joy has built a greater sense of purpose and direction and my relationships have truly changed for the better.

Additionally, by building meaningful relationships and connecting with others on a deeper level, you can increase feelings of social support and belonging.

How do you start to practice slow living?

You’ll notice slow living is a holistic approach to life that can help you cultivate greater awareness, connection, and fulfillment in your daily life.

  1. Say No

    To practice slow living, you can start by simplifying your schedule and focusing on the activities that truly bring you joy and fulfillment. This may involve saying no to commitments that don't align with your values and priorities, and making time for activities that promote your mental and emotional well-being, such as reading, meditating, or spending time in nature. Obviously you can’t cancel all of your important doctor appointments, but you CAN say no to your neighbor who has been bugging you for weeks about planning a neighborhood block party. If it doesn’t spark joy in you - politely decline!

  2. Connect with People

    Slow living emphasizes the importance of building meaningful relationships and connecting with others on a deeper level. This can involve spending quality time with loved ones, engaging in meaningful conversations, and being present in the moment. Ask your coworker to lunch or try giving your local barista a compliment. You’ll find acknowledging people in your community is oddly comforting.

  3. Are you being Mindful?

    Another aspect of slow living is mindfulness, which involves being fully present and engaged in each moment. This may involve practicing deep breathing, journaling, or other forms of self-reflection that help you stay grounded and centered. It’s not always easy to do, but I find a 5 minute walk up and down my street can help me feel a lot more relaxed and connected with myself.

  4. Try Learning a Sustainable Habit

    I know I sound like a broken record, but slow living is closely tied to sustainability! It encourages you make conscious decisions and purchases, reduce waste, support local businesses, and even incorporate environmentally-friendly practices into your daily routines. A few I’ve adopted are eating a plant-based diet, reducing my use of single-use plastics, supporting sustainable fashion brands, and composting my food scraps. I’ve also been trying to start a garden, but it’s a trial and error process (hahaha)!

So what now?

Well, it’s up to you! I know for me, I’ll be working on ways to implement slow living into my lifestyle. Personally, I’ll be implementing a morning routine and setting additional boundaries with my phone (no more scrolling before bed!!). What will you do to start practicing slow living?

Krystalynn Gier

Krystalynn Gier is an eco-educator and sustainability content creator who is passionate about sharing low waste living tips, health and wellness hacks, and cozy home decor with those interested in learning about a low waste life.


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